Hospice is an approach to care for those who are terminally ill or have life-limiting illnesses. It is not a place you go to but rather a service you receive. Each Hospice patient has a care team which includes a physician, nurse, social worker, spiritual care, bereavement, and volunteer. Additional services, such as music therapy, art therapy, pet therapy, aromatherapy, and massage therapy may also be available. The goal of hospice is to improve quality of life. Hospice takes a holistic approach to care and will manage a patient's symptoms and pain, provide supportive care for the patient and their family, as well as meet their spiritual needs. Hospice is a service that allows you and your loved ones to focus on comfort and quality of life. It allows you to be the wife, husband, mother father, daughter or son that you need to be at the most critical time by reducing your burden. We at LEGACY HOSPICE understand how important this time is and we will do our very best to meet your expectations. Why now? This is a tough question and clearly, something has changed in your life if you are asking it. The traditional approach to Medical Care has always been a curative one, where all means available are provided to achieve a cure for an illness. As we age and as we encounter diseases we cannot cure, palliation of the disease or hospice care plans have emerged as beneficial alternatives to care. What has changed? Perhaps a physician has informed you that nothing else can be done to cure you or your condition can only be managed for symptoms. Perhaps you have decided you no longer want aggressive treatment for a life-limiting condition. Or maybe, you have seen such a change in your loved one that you begin to question the outcome. A qualified hospice provider will complete an evaluation to determine if you qualify for hospice services.

Interdisciplinary team members
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So many questions at a stressful time!
"I needed help to reduce the stress and the confusion at a time of need! Legacy Hospice was there for me in an instant! I don't have words to explain how good it felt to find help!" - anonymous

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We care about helping you and answering your questions! There is no obligation if you contact us! Whether you work with Legacy Hospice or not, our goal is to get you the help you need! Please don't hesitate and call now! We will keep your information confidential.
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