Why choose Legacy Hospice? We recognize that no one knows your needs better than yourself and your family! This is why we make it a point to listen to your needs, your goals, your expectations. With this knowledge, we strive to meet them to the best of our abilities! We do hospice differently, by focusing on the needs of the individual patient and providing care that is unique to that individual. We try to avoid the same cookie-cutter approach to all our patients because we recognize each individual's needs. We at Legacy Hospice want you to live your life to the fullest with the knowledge that you can leave behind your LEGACY to those you love.
Board Certified Physicians
Our Physicians are Board Certified in Hospice and Palliative Care, a claim we are proud to make!
Learn MoreVolunteers
Volunteers work side by side with the hospice team and provide a wide range of support!
Learn MoreLegacy Hospice
850 Elm Grove Road, Suite 21
Elm Grove, WI 53122
Phone: 262-879-8014
Fax: 262-879-8016